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Homes in Loreto, in order to fulfill its purposes, will need to collect certain PERSONAL DATA from its clients, assuming responsibility for its use and protection according to the following terms:

Note: For the purposes of this document, the person to whom the personal data belongs will be referred to as “THE HOLDER” or “THE CLIENT.”


The RESPONSIBLE PARTY is an individual, legally established under Mexican law, dedicated to the management and commercialization of real estate; managing commissions and mediations; accepting the acting of commercial representatives; entering into contracts and agreements; as well as acquiring, possessing, or managing real estate for its establishment and commercialization, among other activities. To carry out these activities, it is necessary to collect personal data from the parties involved in the corresponding processes.

For these purposes, the parties must fill out various documents and forms, obtaining the following personal or corporate data:

A) In the case of an individual:

  • Full name
  • Nationality
  • Immigration status
  • Place and date of birth
  • Current address (home and work)
  • Gender
  • Marital status
  • Profession or occupation
  • Phone numbers
  • Email address
  • Social security number
  • Unique Population Registration Code (CURP)
  • Federal Taxpayer Registry (RFC)
  • Information from the Tax Identification Certificate
  • Other data requested by the fiduciary bank, notary, or bank providing any type of credit.

B) In the case of a corporation:

  • Company name
  • Information contained in the Articles of Incorporation
  • Information contained in Assembly Minutes or amendments to the Articles
  • Information about the Power of the legal representative
  • Current address of the company
  • Phone numbers
  • Email address
  • Federal Taxpayer Registry (RFC)
  • Information from the Tax Identification Certificate of the company
  • Other data requested by the fiduciary bank, notary, or bank providing any type of credit.

C) In the case of the legal representative of the individual or corporation:

  • Information about the Notarial Power
  • Full name
  • Nationality
  • Immigration status
  • Place and date of birth
  • Current address (home and work)
  • Gender
  • Marital status
  • Profession or occupation
  • Phone numbers
  • Email address
  • Social security number
  • Unique Population Registration Code (CURP) and/or
  • Federal Taxpayer Registry (RFC)
  • Information from the Tax Identification Certificate
  • Other data requested by the fiduciary bank, notary, or bank providing any type of credit.

D) In the case of the property or transaction:

  • Offer and/or Counteroffer data
  • Escrow Contract data
  • Details of deposits, payments, or account statements of transactions
  • Title of ownership data
  • Cadastral Declaration data
  • Acquisition Notice data according to Article 27 of the Constitution, section I
  • Data from various documents related to the property or transaction.

Any of this data may be received by any means, whether physical or digital, either directly from THE HOLDER or indirectly through a third party.

It is the responsibility of THE HOLDER to ensure that the data provided is correct, truthful, and complete, obligating themselves to communicate any modifications to the RESPONSIBLE party to keep the information updated.

If the requested data is not provided, the RESPONSIBLE party will not be able to carry out the required purposes and will not have any liability arising from it.

Data provided incompletely will be immediately deleted and will not be kept in any database.

Once received, the RESPONSIBLE party will create a physical and digital file for THE CLIENT, where the data will be stored, accessible only to the staff of the RESPONSIBLE party, who must maintain confidentiality regarding it, an obligation that will continue even after their relationship with THE HOLDER has ended.

It is clarified that for the procedures of the RESPONSIBLE party, no data considered sensitive is collected according to the Federal Law on the Protection of Personal Data.


Personal data is necessary to offer THE HOLDER services of marketing, publishing, purchasing, selling, renting, acquiring, managing, constructing, and/or developing real estate.

This data is also necessary to meet the requirements of fiduciary banks, notaries, and other entities involved in the transaction, and to carry out the corresponding process.

By providing their data, THE HOLDER authorizes the RESPONSIBLE party to use it for marketing and advertising purposes exclusively related to the RESPONSIBLE party, without authorizing the transfer to third parties for these purposes.

The RESPONSIBLE party may not process data for purposes other than those described here without THE HOLDER’s consent.

THE HOLDER may deny or revoke consent, as well as oppose the processing of their personal data through the procedure described below.


The received data will be treated legitimately, controlled, and adequately, ensuring its privacy and avoiding loss, misuse, or unauthorized access.

If data is required for purposes other than those described, THE HOLDER will be notified in writing, explaining the new purposes to obtain their consent.

If data is requested by an authority in a judicial or administrative process, it will be made available only with a court order.

With this Privacy Notice, THE HOLDER is informed about the data collected, as well as the purposes and processing that will be given, accepting the terms contained in this document.

For the collection and processing of personal data, we follow all PRINCIPLES OF PERSONAL DATA PROTECTION according to the law, ensuring the required security and confidentiality.


THE HOLDER may DENY the terms of this Notice by not signing its written version or not providing the requested data, which is understood as tacit acceptance.

The RESPONSIBLE party will designate a PERSON IN CHARGE for data management, who can be contacted via the phone or email indicated at the beginning. THE HOLDER may exercise their right to LIMIT, REVOKE, or authorize the DISCLOSURE of their data by expressing their consent to the PERSON IN CHARGE.


Any HOLDER, or their legal representative, may exercise their rights of Access, Rectification, Cancellation, and Opposition (“ARCO RIGHTS”). The exercise of these rights does not prevent the exercise of others.

THE HOLDER has the right to ACCESS their data, RECTIFY inaccurate data, CANCEL their data, and OPPOSE the use of their data.

The procedures to exercise these rights include submitting a written request, with the necessary documents that prove the identity of THE HOLDER.


The data provided may be transferred to third parties within and outside Mexico, including fiduciary banks and notaries, to carry out the transaction. The lack of opposition will be interpreted as consent.


The RESPONSIBLE party reserves the right to modify this Notice at any time, publishing the updated version in its offices and on its website. THE HOLDER must periodically review the content of the Notice.


This Notice is informative. If THE HOLDER does not express disagreement, providing data after being informed is considered tacit acceptance of consent.

This Privacy Notice is established in accordance with the current and applicable legislation in the United Mexican States. Any controversy arising from its application, THE RESPONSIBLE party and THE HOLDER agree to submit to the jurisdiction of the Courts of Loreto, Baja California Sur, waiving any jurisdiction that may correspond to them regarding their persons or assets. This agreement includes the obligation to resolve any differences amicably before initiating legal proceedings, always seeking mediation as the first resource.

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